Friday, February 19, 2021

Birds and Pots.....

 The view out my front step with the sun shining through. It isn't as cold today but it stil is cold. We may hit 21 degrees F. today.

As this photos shows we have plenty of snow left. The sun takes off a little of it each day but it isn't noticeable other than there is moisture seeping away from the edges of it. 

The birds have eaten down to the last to port holes of the feeder.  It went fast and I may fill it again this afternoon. I still have to wade through snow to get to it on the deck.  I guess I should shovel a path again. My wife doesn't want me to do that kind of exercise right now as we both are still feeling effects from the covid shot.  

I took this shot of my tray feeder yesterday and I was surprised to see that it was pretty much cleared of seed.  I added more and I am getting larger groups of birds at the tray now. 

I took a shot of my new display in the downstairs room.  I haven't done pottery for quite a while now but would sure like to start up again. I made a lot of these as examples for my students to see to inspire them in their pottery work. 

I have to venture out again today to get some meds. It will be a quick trip as I only need two things and my wife two needs two things.  I hope we hit the grocery store when it isn't too busy.  Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better today, it took three days for me to feel better after the shot. Such pretty pottery! WE are supposed to get near 30 today and I will sit outside cause that is 65 degrees warmer than last week on Saturday!:)
