Saturday, February 27, 2021

Dove Story.....

 I have stopped feeding the birds for a while until they get all of this cleaned up off of the deck.  I have the same mess down on the ground so they won't starved.  The mourning doves are bashful. Can you see the dove on the step looking up over the deck, checking out the situation. Starlings are ransacking the place so the dove is just watching and waiting on them.

The dove does come up off the step and starts pecking at stray small seed. I don't see what it is eating but it finds stuff.

Then all of a sudeen the dove leaves.  I guess it wasn't so hungry or maybe there is a feeder somewhere else that has better kinds of seeds. It is a warmer day and we will melt off some more snow.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. She/he is a beauty! We see them out on the country road but only a few times have they come to our yard:(
