Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday and Snow....

 The shadows from the fence aren't as great right now as the sun is still further east in the sky.  As the earth tilts back we will have stronger shadows.  Can you find the raised bed in the photo? Tomato growing doesn't start until after April 15th. 


Sunshine and 40 degrees F. will help to melt some of this. The shadows are strong with the full sun shining.


I am anxious to see the wooden deck again.  I did my day 1 of shoveling to start to get it off the deck. In a bout three days I should have it all shoveled and thrown off the deck. I may do some more this afternoon but it is still frozen and iced pack  right now. 

It took so long for me to attract this guy to the suet feeder. Now that he has found it, I can look out and see him there digging away with his beak.  I had to take this shot because he is in direct sunlight. His red top markings are so bright in the sun. 

It is Monday and things seem to be going better with the covid shot side effects. I had back pain for two days and now that seems so much better. I appreciate your stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have some shoveling in your future! A little at a time:0. Glad you are feeling better after the shot! I am still a bit tired:)
