Friday, March 5, 2021

End of the Week....

 The snow is going away with the warmer temperatures. This view down our street shows the small snow banks that still exist. Snow that is in the shade is still hanging around.

Looking down from the deck you can see the one small spot of snow in the middle. A lot of our snow back here is in the shade if the house so it isn't going away as quickly.

You can see the level of seed in the feeder and they are really eating it up fast.  I will wait a day to refill it as I really do want them to clean up the mess that is on the ground below. I have put a couple of handfuls of see in the tray next to the window just in case the cardinals are around the area.

The one dove does come buy regularly each day.  There is a smaller one that comes to the feeders.  I am assuming that it is the female dove. 

I have a furniture repair job to share on another day. Made in China means you have to fix it. It is Friday already.  We survived our trip to the grocery store and pharmacy yesterday.  It seems to be such a hassle with it being such a large grocery store and then it can be crowded. It takes about an hour from start to finish to get through the store and to be walking out the door. We went in the afternoon as I had to pick up insulin and it took them all morning to get that organized and ready for me.  Some people are getting thier covid shots at our pharmacy but I don't think they have many doses.  I see our state ranks last in getting people vaccinated. I think it was 6% have had the shots. We get our last one on Wednesday.  Maybe we can help up the percentage. 

Thanks for coming by today.


  1. You've got hardly any snow left at all!

  2. Wow your snow is almost gone! soon you will have flowers blooming!

  3. Our snow left pretty quick after a week of hanging around. I think the main damage around my part of the state was frozen pipes which caused the big water tanks to drain. Many people had no water for a bit.
    Have a good weekend!
