Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tuesday's Things....

 While I was sitting down to blog I looked out to see these cloud formations. I know a weather person on television would know the name of them but I do not. Within the twenty minutes after the whole grouping has changed and consolitdated.

The sun tried to shine through it and helped to create good shadows and patterns in the clouds. All of the clouds were moving quickly to the left of the scene. I believe the direction would be northeast but not certain with my house doesn't sit square with the world. 

I felt obligated to move my fernleaf peony away from the neighbor's fence construction zone.  In doing so I was hoping the move wouldn't disturb the life of my peony.  I was very happy to see it popping through the ground this morning. I had a lot of more sprouts from it at the old spot but I feel fortunate to have these five.  Maybe more will come up but I doubt it. It is a tough plant and maybe this will be a better location.  I think I put a stray part of it somewhere else in my backyard gardens but I haven't spotted it yet.

My morning walk out in the back yard was a cold one so I snapped photos quickly. This is the area where the voles had taken over.  I reapplied vole poison in one of the holes and packed dirt in around it, as it looked like there was some activity going on again. The good thing that I see in this photo is the voles did not eat my daylily.  I can't see any hostas coming up so they may have taken them out. The yellow daylily was a special large one and I was hoping they didn't like eating on it. 

The red bud tree is going to do a good job of blooming this year unless we get a late hard freeze. It looks like there are buds ready to open on it all over the tree.  That will be a first for the young planting. I got notice today from Brecks that they don't have enough supply of a special rose that I ordered. It was strange how the told me to just forget it, order cancelled, and then they sent me an evaluation form on how they were doing as a company.  The two packets of seeds of zinnias was great but I really wanted that rose.

I took way too many photos to share today but they will be coming along the way eventually. I appreciate your checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Hostas are sometimes late, hope the Voles didn't get them:)
