Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wednesday's Coming and Goings.......


The sun shines and we are 54 degrees F.  It is too early to work outside but it is nice that one can walk around outside a little bit.


 Checking t hings out, big Red tips his head around to see what is going on around him. I took many photos of him yesterday and I will probably just have to dump them.

My drain pipe has been disengaged and is stuck in the snow.  The iris is green and could have been most of the winter as long as the snow kept it covered. 


This could be considered a before photo as I am sure half of it is gone by now. It is good to have it gone but our snow season really is not gone. Those posts may become a foundation for a trellis as I now have ordered a new floribunda rose to plant there.  It will be shipped when the weather is better. 


I will be glad to work in these gardens again.  I plan to buy some more bags of raised garden dirt to put in both sides.  If I add more each year I will eventually be having them filled to the brim. I have new zinnia seeds for this area and maybe the new dahlias can be planted here too. 

I have new photos of the female downy yet to be edited. The two are frequent visitors to the suet. I wish for different kinds of woodpeckers but I don't think that will be  happening.  I don't live close enough to big trees. 

I now see we are predicted to get up to 65 degrees F. today. That is so amazing. I will have to walk around the yard this afternoon because I can. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good to see that you'll soon be out working in your gardens. It has been in the 80's the past couple of days and I have the a.c. on here in s.e. FL. I always enjoy your photos ~ FlowerLady

  2. Good to hear that you are warming up! Your snow will melt fast!

  3. Hello Larry and Della, so nice to see a variety of birds visiting you. I think we all are eager for spring and a return to working in the dirt again. We have purchased a home in South Carolina and will move soon, I hope to blog about the move and the new area, if you want to follow, you can click here to follow along
