Friday, April 9, 2021

Friday Again.....

  It seems to be better to enjoy my indoor garden as it is so cold outside. We have a Christmas flower still doing well as our new Easter lily joined the collection. 

 The newest addition of plants are the tomato plants that we picked up at the nursery yesterday.  We were in the area visiting a bank and we just took a side trip there before we came home. April 15 is the magic day for the last day of frost.  I can keep them growing in the sun room until I get the raised bed ready for them. I am planting a lot less of these this year, trying to keep the work load less than last year. 

Our building development had a plan to have the streets lined with flowering trees. I looked up the names of the kinds of trees that they could be and I found two names of Cleveland Pear and Capitol Pear trees. They both are ornamental trees at heart even though they put out a small fruit in the fall.  Some parts of the development are more dedicated at keeping the tradition. The one directly east of us was the last to build and they did not plant a tree.


The previous owners of our property liked rhubarb.  I have three areas where it is growing and now I am not able to eat it. I need to figure out a way to choke it out. I guess I could lay plastic over it and see if it can be gone.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those are pretty nice tomato plants!

  2. Don't know if we will be planting Tomatoes this year. Maybe only a couple of plants for some fresh ones this summer. Last year we simply had too many...

  3. I bet one of your neighbors would like rhubarb to plant. :) Sorry you cannot eat it anymore:(
