Friday, April 30, 2021

Friiday's a Catch-up Day.....

The double tulips have really spread out and now look like peonies. The colors are so great and the weather has been mild enough to keep them around for a longer time.

My peonies are almost taller than the tulips.  I just noticed today that there are lots of buds on the peonies.

I am so glad that I didn't get tree saw happy with this burning bush.  I was so shocked to see the other two thirds of the bush that looked dead, is now becoming green. We are so dry that I need to dig out a garden hose and soak the soil around it. It is unusual to see a whole third of a tree green up and leaf out while the rest of it had not.  I was pulling grass out front in the flower garden and we are extremely dry having not had any rain for the whole month of April. We had a sprinkle a week ago that didn't seem to be measurable. 

Four of the tomatoes that I had that were planted in small pots have now been moved into larger pots. It is all temporary for a week and then they are going to be put into the ground. We are suppose to have a cold week next week so it is good that I  waited to plant them. It seems to be a little bit fussy but I had the time to move them into the larger pots.  My neighbor said she beleives they like being repotted a couple of times before they get put outside. I think that could be a wives tale but it sounded ok. 

Yes, I did forget to blog yesterday. Things get busy, complicated and sometime confusing.  I did remember that I had not blogged about ten o"clock at night. I have lots of photos now so I can just keep putting out the posts for a while.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Boy, your flowers are way ahead of ours!

  2. Your Tulips look great! Yes you can strip off the lower leaves on tomatoes and sink them deep into the pots all the little hairs make roots and a much stronger plant! :) Aww on the Hosta and the rock!

  3. These are gorgeous pictures. I know you both enjoy all the different blooming plants in your yard,
    I pray you get some rain soon.
