Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Robin Sighting and More......

 The seeing of a robin means we have spring. This one showed up at the feeder area but doesn't eat seed there.  Yes it really a thrush bird but tradition has misnamed it a roving. Robins in other parts of the world are smaller than this one.

As the snow was subsiding the male downy was interested in the peanut butter uet. It did stop at the thistle seed sock below and had one seed. 

We had a freeze last night. I can tell the cold weather has already effected the peonies.  I am hoping the next freeze this evening will not damage these.  I know the apple orchard farmers are really concerned about the possible hard freeze tonight.

I have four of these peonies in a row.  I hope to get a good show from these this year. I brought them down from the old place a couple of years ago. Unfortunately the soil there is mostly clay but I don't think they will mind once they get established.  I really don't know what the colors are of them but hope to see them in bloom this time around. 

I   think I did get a focused view of these blooms.  I went out in later afternoon when the light was low.  It is a small tree but it will grow and be more impressive each year. 

Our second grandson turns five today.  He has grown up fast. He is a middle child and I try hard to keep him in view.  He has a sweet little sister who gets a lot of visual time but today Teddy is the star.  Theodore John is his full name. 

He is full of energy and is always happy.  He loves to sing and shares us song with us often. He loves his preschool and will attend kindergarten this fall. His smiles are wonderful. 

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a good day.  No snow anymore right now.  It did melt but tonight more is promised.


  1. At least the snow is gone. No snow accumulation here in Wellman. Whew! Still cold though.

  2. Happy Birthday to Teddy! Sure hope your peonies will be okay in the cold weather. Cold here too:(
