Monday, April 5, 2021

Spring Has Sprung.....

 It was a surprise to see them as I had last seem then as short stems and buds. I aas not out yesterday so this morning when I raised the garage door there they were. 

The  red twig is doing well with leaves sprouting out everywhere. I will plant hardy geraniums all around the shrub when they are on sale. 

The vine next to the front step is blooming now durning the spring. It will stop blooming within a couple of weeks.

The warm weather has caused the vinca to also bloom. The vine seems to have taken over the area.  I will wait and see if the mums come back through all of that growth.

The morning started out looking like this. The sun is barely showing through the clouds here but it did clear off later on in the day. I went to Ace Hardware this morning and did some spring buying. I don't have the energy to take the truck and get all that I really need to buy but I did get some stuff in the trunk of the car.

 I bought soil to use when planting my iris in our clay-packed ground.  I bought some grass seed for the old place where the yard was torn up from the tree removal because of our wind storm. I bought my first bag of mulch to place around my peony plants where the old mulch was scattered with holes in it. I will find my wheeled tote to use to carry them down the hill one thing at a time.  My mind is ready to get to work in the yard but my body is still needing more time to get stronger. We have our air conditioner on now as it has warmed up enough to use it.  Open windows on the sunroom are nice but the air does get  to be too warm.  

Thanks for stopping by today.