Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Another Blooming Day......


The weather forecast looks promising for the nexr few days to give us some much needed rain. I picked a bouquet of its last evening so that we can see them without getting wet. I see in garden magazines that people do plant chives as a flower.  I have so many of them that there are three of them in just one garden area.  I still have two large plants in the raised garden where I plant tomatoes. 

I sent out a gift card to a grand nephew today who is graduating from high school. It is interesting that I have never ever seen him in person but in Christmas card photos. My niece is in Ohio and her four kids are now all out of high school. It is a different world when we all live in different areas of the United States. My sons do know their first cousins and yet they too live far away from all of them and rarely have contact with them. Facebook does help with keeping up them but most of them don't participate on it. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So those are chives? I did wonder. They are pretty...looks lovely with the irises.

  2. I love these photos. The chives are such a pretty color. I have never met Larry’s grandson in person and I only met Ella once when she was about four months. They are too busy when they come to see Larry to venture to our home and driving to GA is out of the question for us these days.

  3. Can't believe you have Iris blooming already!
