Monday, May 3, 2021

Monday's Ways and Means......

 A Monday morning sky that develops into a rainy morning.  It isn't heavy rain but any water is welcomed. The deck is wet so we are getting a reasonable amount.  I decided not to plant any more tomatoes as it was to rainy even with my parka hood pulled up.

I needed to create hooks for hanging the second trellis to the fence. It required me to use what I had in the shop boxes of spare screws and brackets. Because the thickness of the fence is thinner than a normal board I used nuts as a washer to shorten the length of the screw going into the fence. I did not want screws sticking out through to the neighbor's side of the fence. 

They did work as you can now see the old weathered trellis hanging.  I slipped it behing the clematis and its original metal trellis. I didn't want to disturb the plant and it does just blend in anyway with the wooden trellis.

I had two tomato plants that had out grown their original pots.  It was time to dig holes and put them in the ground.  I placed fresh new topsoil that I had purchased into the hole before I planted the tomato. They are buried deep and were watered well. The light rain should be good for them.  I have four more tomatoes to be planted and that may happen yet this week. 

I teased my neighbor lady that I wasn't going to plant until after she and her husband planted.  They were out there early Sunday morning and worked for an hour to get the five plants in the ground. I can't drink mile so we didn't have any gallon jugs for our plants. I will just have to risk it.  I may put my screens up this afternoon to keep the rabbits out.  I see I have a least one baby rabbit out there.  I saw him yesterday and he sure was frightened of me.

I was thinking that this was a new hosta that I must have purchased. I was in my blog a year ago and I guess I brought it down from the old place. My blog said I had two of them planted so I need to go find the other one.  I really like it and it has a good green color showing it likes where it is planted.

We have errands to run this afternoon. It will stop raining by noon so it will be good for us to be out and about.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your flowers and plants look so healthy and I'm sure the rain is welcomed.
    I've always loved Hostas, but we don't have enough shade ....
    Have a great week Larry.

  2. Thankful your tomato plants got some rain. I hope you both enjoyed being out of the house this afternoon.

  3. Nice looking tomatoes you will have tomatoes soon, We will freeze again tonight and maybe snow:(

  4. I love that morning sky. I always meant for us to make a raised bed or two, but we never got it done. And I sure wish we had.
