Saturday, May 15, 2021

Saturday's Stuff.......

 Yesterday I had two male cardinals in the backyard. They were chasing each other and I am assuming they were battling for a territory.  I had just bought  new safflower seeds and immediately put them out on the feeder. .  I got a few shots but they were really too busy chasing each other. I had a perfect set up of the two of them at the feeder at the same time but I couldn't get the shot quick enough. 

My cherry tomato plant has really started growing.  I got brought inside on one very cold night but otherwise it has been out in the cold and the wind the majority of the time since it was planted.

I found another garden thing to bring outside. I have had this for a long time and really enjoy him. He has a great attitude as he looks around. 

The first cemetery iris is now in bloom. It is planted in a couple of other locations in the garden and this is the first one of them  to bloom. This one is more in the sun than the others so it did mature faster. I have another cemetery iris in bloom just opened today, but I don't have a photo of it yet. 

My mom called them pinks. I have one single bloom right now.  It does winter over and will get larger as the season continues. I helped my wife plant four hard geraniums this morning. We place them around our young dogwood bush. It will be a nice splash of color out next to the front door. 

I plan to do a little more yard work this morning involving spreading of more mulch. It has warmed up a lot already so I will have to shed my parka.. Have a good weekend.


  1. Hi, the geraniums you and Della planted out front will be very nice. I like the dwarf iris and the cherry tomato is doing well. I have always loved pinks in the garden. I don’t think I have seen your turtle before. He is whimsical. It was 80 here this afternoon. The neighbors kids are playing in the sprinkler today. Have a good night,

  2. P.s. forgot to say how fun to have two Cardinals to visit.

  3. Iris already? Can't remember when they are supposed to bloom, but I seem to remember mowing around Mom's iris all summer long. Do they bloom all summer? It has been so long I can't remember.
