Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Middle of the Week.....


The source of the red lilies is this. It shows off at the corner of the garage doing better now that I have given it a little more water. 

In all of the years I have had hummingbird feeders I have never had this problem. The one hummingbird that I did see a few weeks ago has never returned. I guess I will have to take it down. 


This was a surprise for me as I had not seen the buds forming. The stems seem to shoot up overnight and then there is the bloom. 



The last rains took all the blooms away but this one has shown itself the last few days. The heat and then cooling off has made it uncertain about what it wants to do. 

The anniversary of the painting of this mural by myself and my wife is coming soon.  It has been eleven years since we completed the larger painting. 

My wife and I am headed to the old place today. Future plans will be revealed as time goes by.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Our Day Lilies are just about to bloom, and our big Clematis is in glorious bloom right now.

  2. Love the red Day Lilies. I remember when you were working on the mural:)
