Monday, June 7, 2021

Moments of Monday....

I have been having problems with my automatic camera and discovered one of the problems that I have been having.  I kept trying to take shots in bright sun and it just doesn't work that way.  I wend out late afternoon an all but one photo was in focus.  I can see that I get too close and the hot sun reflects back at the camera and causes focus problems. 


I could get the primrose in focus as well as the hostas. I took a lot of pictures like t his in th hot sun and it looked like I was shaking the camera.

This rose is  putting out so many blooms right now.  I had the garden hose out this morning and I gave it a good drink of water.

The birds are liking the antique chicken water deice.  We used these to water baby chicks when I was on the farm 69 years ag. I dug it out a few days ago and the new baby birds like to drink at it.  I jar is crusty looking as I haven't spent any time in cleaning it up. I am thinking that the jar came from an old Model-T garage that my dad had on his property.  When he tore it down there were all these canning jars from the past inside of the building.

The morning sun shows it is going to be hot today but we have humidity also.  It is the first for the season and I forgot how uncomfortable humidity can make one feel on a very hot day. I still remain confused about the directions of this house.  The whole neighborhood sits at a diagonal to the o the world. The sun comes up in the east and then proceeds to move diagonally over our house to set in the west at the end of the day. When I look out the back yard windows and smile as everyone in the area have to also deal with the misdirection of the development.  There are four or five rows of the house that all shoot up the hill. 

Thanks for checking in  today. The dove is just resting there as he can be looking out over the yard while sitting there..


  1. Some fifty years ago I worked as a secretary for a company that made chicken feeders etc, it was out of Ottumwa Iowa. I am hwooy your birds enjoy a fresh drink, your flowers are looking so nice, we are having a terrific thunderstorm currently. It has been hot and humid here also. The dive looks so plump and content!

  2. Your flowers are spectacular Larry, and looking so healthy.
    I love your repurposed chicken waterer, and apparently so do your feathered friends.

  3. That vintage waterer certainly has a reuse even without chickens. Hope the humidity doesn’t become unbearable as it often did when we lived in VA.
