Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday's Mentions.....

 They reseed themselves each year now. I don't mind having them growing among the tomatoes.  The original plants were in a planter up on the old deck and the birds did spread them

The rains have been good for the salvia as well as the grasses and weeds. It isn't very showy at this point.  I may never be so but they were a bargain. 

Just for fun, I special ordered this variety of zinnia over the winter. One package germinated and the other one did not. I do like the new variety even though it isn't like all those bright color ones of the past. 

Pour drought did slow these down but they have picked up after our rains. I didn't get them weeded as well as they should have been but they are blooming in spite of the grass.

My neighbor had put out some older florescent light fixtures on a for free pile in his yard.  On the second day I walked over and took one of them. Then I went back and got the other two.  My workroom/storeroom now has three more lights on the ceiling. I had two already so the total of five keeps the area well lighted.  I had to stand on a smaller stepladder and install hooks for them.  In a couple of cases I had to move them to be sure the were straight with the world.  I had to measure and remeasure to finally get them all lined up and looking good.  I will feel those muscles that I had to use for the job, tomorrow. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It is hard work working above your head installing lights. I know you will enjoy the additional brightness. That zinnia is very unique. I like it, the peach salvia is pretty too. Your morning glories are such a vibrant color. Hope you won’t be too sore tomorrow.

  2. Your Morning Glories are beautiful. I have one growing in my tomatoes came with the tomato plant no idea what color it is:)
