Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday's Things......

 We did hear some thunder but there was no rain in our area.  It was in the 80's already by 8:00 in the morning.

I watered a lot of things this morning using water barrel water.  It is a slow process but I wanted to use some of it up before the next rain, whenever that happens. 

I was sure to dump some water on some of my roses. We are dry and the flowers are showing it. The phlox has been shut down because of the heat and low water.  I of course watered them today even though it is too late.

There is a light  yellow daylily at the old place that I plan to dig.  I think anything that probably will be under the new garage that they build will mean lost flowers. I have a couple of weeks to get the last of the things that I want to dig. 

The shape of it isn't too great but the begonia is really taking off with many new blooms. I like the shiny leaves on this plant. 

I am hearing swimming pool sounds from the neighbors kids today as I blog.  The babysitter takes them in for fun in the water and they always scream for joy about the experience.  The water should be really warmed up now because of the many warm days and nights that we have been having.  The pool is in the direct sun so that helps it warm up too. 

I cleaned out the north side of my garage today moving things into the basement.  I had containers of tools from the old place and boxes of nails and screws.  That is great for on day but the south side of the garage will need to be cleaned and reorganized too. The garage is so great for dumping things and placing them somewhere else later.  A lot of the people in our area don't park cars in one side of their garage as it is just too full of things.  I don'[t want to have that problem so I try to stay ahead of the clutter. 

It is so hot again today.  I won't venture out any more today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful roses! It is warm here too and really smoky:(

  2. Good luck keeping ahead of the clutter!

  3. Your photos are very pretty. We had our hottest day ever today.
    Take care transferring tools from the garage to the basement and also digging up plants at the old home.
