Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Tuesday's Things....

 I could have cheated and just taken a photo off the tv and get a better shot.  This thou is what I got with me my cell phone.

The yellow coneflower is showing its distress from not enough rain. We are told not to water anything right now as they are struggling to get water from their river source. 

The grass doesn't look to distressed right now. This even shot lets the sun make it look better than it is. The hostas are showing brown edges on their leaves because it ts too dry. 

The tomatoes get watered regularly and also fertilized every two weeks. I need to stay on the watering schedule as they aren't growing very fast. 

This is my clearest photo of the tomatoes. My camera doesn't know what to focus on, tomato or leaves. 


The begonia has been inside all winter and it really is responding to sunlight and water. I didn't get it repotted. 


The cherry tomato supplied these for our salads last evening.. They were good to eat and fun to have out on the patio. I spent the morning driving around town to buy a new battery for my truck.  Ace only carried lawn mower batteries so I cut across town to Fleet Farm.  I lifted the new battery in and spent a lot of time trying to get the clamp on it  to keep the battery from moving around than actually connecting the battery.  It worked like a charm with the engine leaping on with joy. It was a relief to get it back working.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad you got the truck running again. Sorry your plants ar struggling with the heat and drought. Those cherry tomatoes are so nice.

  2. Wow! Tomatoes already! I just got buds on mine. I have my doubts I will have anything to show before August. But I am enjoying the Flowers that are growing in the garden instead. Maybe next year I will just plant flowers instead of the veggies.

  3. Looks like the hosta are struggling. If you have dehumidifier water give that to the plants:)

  4. You've got tomatoes already! We scarcely have flowers.
