Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Midddle of the Week......

 I dug some iris for the last time at the old place yesterday. Our son from Maine was here for a visit on Tuesday and he wanted to see the old place one last time. He was born and raised there until he left for college.  I thought that my spade was always handy in the back of the truck and I did take a bucket along just in case I could spot one more thing to move. I don't know the color of the iris but it looked so healthy. My son said we can just wait until next spring and we will all see.


I also dug a day lily that I had seen earlier with a light yellow color.  A garage is going to be built on top of that garden area so I wanted to rescue it. 


 In the basement I also took a barn door.  It had been salvaged from the neighbors wreckage when a tornado destroyed the barn and a shed.  I haven't painted on a barn board for years but I may have to work out a barn in a landscape composition.  When I get all my other projects done I could start painting again.

I wandered around in the morning while it was so humid and my camera lens had to be wiped down often.  The sun was bright but the air was bad. The begonia keeps blooming better with all the moisture in the air.  I placed tomatoes on the top of that fence today so the neighbors could get some of the harvest.  I noticed this afternoon that they were gone. It is a good sharing system when we have such an abundance of tomatoes . 

Our son arrived Monday evening from Minnesota and stayed the whole day Tuesday.  He helped me with things and we did a lot of talking in the evening.  He hadn't been here for a year and a half so we had catching up to do.  We ate out one breakfast and a supper which was fun for us all. He found some things that he wanted to have back at his home so we boxed them up and shipped them yesterday.  We fed Aaron this morning a very early breakfast and he took off with his rental back to the cities where he was flying  out of to back to Bangor, Maine. 

Our days keep getting hotter and more humid.  We have that kind of weather usually but it would be nice if we didn't. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So glad you got to visit with your son and he got to see the old house:)

  2. I know it was great to be together l. Glad you had this opportunity.
