Saturday, August 7, 2021

Saturday's Stuff...

 I left a lot of these still in the garden as the two of us can not eat them that quickly. I will check with the one neighbor to see if they are ready for more.  Any tomato that was not completely red did not get picked. 

This morning's sun did not shine through.  It is about the same this afternoon with a low glow of sunlight showing. 

Another view of my visiting swallowtail from yesterday. It is nice to see a few butterflies this year as they didn't seem to be around last year.  I saw a yellow sulphite earlier this mroning and a monarch does flit around once in a while. 

I need to flip the dresser upside down to see what needs to be glued.  I have run out of glue so I will need to borrow some of my wife's Gorilla Blue. The wood was so aged and dried out that it needed to be attached with glue. The joints are all loose fitting with gaps.  I did see a hint of glue from the original construction with horse glue. 



It is taking a lot of patience to work on this piece. I actually am happy with it but I don't have the patience today to tell about all that is going on right now. The top drawer was trial fitted and it will need some tweeking.  The decision to stain the drawers is now a given but I am not ready to face the decision to what color I should use to match the side panels. These old pieces were stained with a material that was almost more like an ink than a stain that we use today. 

I am having trouble pulling up any more photos for today's blog so I will just quit. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The tomatoes are so nice. I love the butterfly photo, too.
    My mom had a piece of furniture very similar to this.

  2. Nice tomatoes! We cannot eat all of ours either! So it is good to share!
