Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday Times.....

 A perfect full moon was there for the taking.  I wasn't planning to photograph but when I was out taking down the flag, there it was.  It was a clear night so I didn't have to shoot only one visual.

The yellow rose is a climber but I try to keep it trimmed down.  The setting isn't such that I could put a tall trellis next to it.  The railing does offer good opening for it to sprout through.

The morning glories do like this weather.  The rain really perked up the number of blooms that were happening.

The hibiscus is slowing down in its number of blooms but there are still a few more buds on it.  I try to keep it watered with it growing up against the house.

Another bee photo is shown with all the zinnias.  The bees jump back and forth to all the flowers to see what has the best nectar.

One more spot that needed to be glued and clamped to put it back together. There are some areas where things will not be repaired as you can see in the crack in the front left of the piece.  I am devising a way to attach the top back on to the base. Once I get the based attached I will be start the final finish on the chest of drawers.  

It is going to be a warm day today.  This is the last day of the Iowa State Fair and next week public schools will start up sometime during the week.  It feels like fall somewhat and yet we are still having a hot summer.  The rain did brighten up our dormant grass. That was good.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Such a pretty rose! WE got rain also and it was so good for the grass and the trees only 2 1/2 inches but it helped!

  2. Still love the appearance of that wood!
