Thursday, August 5, 2021


 This is just the one leftover seed in an old seed packet. It has multiple buds on the top . I hope to see blooms soon. Yes it is tall.

The begonias are like their location on the potting bench. I placed it there temporarily and I just haven't moved it.  It is partially protected and yet gets morning sunshine.

The dinner plate hibiscus is doing well with many buds yet to be opened. I give it an extra dose of water once in a while since it is on the back side of the house.

It is an unnatural blend of things but the vines like the tomato vines to spread out on. By noon the blooms are closing up for the day.  The tomatoes are doing too well. 

I thought the plants seemed slow this year but they are doing better now.  I guess we did have different weather that made them slow to germinate.  The bright colored ones are from my seed that I collected last fall. 

The yard was mowed by our hired person and things are looking better in the yard.  We had a small rain this morning but not too measurable. Things are staying somewhat green even though we are in a drought. The ground is really dry. 

I am not working on much today as I am having another slow down day.  I have too many things going on in my body to ignore the warnings so I just go slow.  I am having blood number count problems that seem to be going crazy high then dropping.  If I were eating cookies, cake and ice cream I would know what is wrong but I am behaving.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I still like the Morning Glory best. That blue!

  2. Your Dinner Plate Hibiscus is a beauty. We got a bit of rain ...not much maybe 1/4 inch....and lots of smoke:(
