Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 All the same colors in one area. The heat isn't bothering things too much with these flowers but maybe by Friday it will harm them.


The dahlias look better with me dead heading all the shriveled up blooms.  I have watered them and may do so again soon. 



The patch is bringing in the bees but there just isn't that many butterflies out there.  It is a good spot of color though.

I spent the morning applying the first coat of finish on this.  It will take a day to dry and then I will steel wool it off and put on the second coat.  I spent time trying to figure out why the top drawer won't push shut like it is suppose to.  I quit messing with that and just started applying finish. It took a while as there are more surface areas on this than it looks. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Such pretty flowers! Your dresser project is really coming along!
