Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Middle of the Week...

 Harvest time when there are not tomatoes left in the house to eat. The larger tomatoes are all gone but the medium sized are still out there in a small number. The pear shaped tomatoes came on late so they are abundant. 

A morning glory that is still hanging on in the afternoon is turning red before it shrivels up. The glories really like the cooler weather. 

My newest rose darkens in color as it ages. The bush can have a variety of colors on it at one time as it starts out lighter in color and then turns darker pink. 

The zinnia has a similar formation of its petals to the dahlia but it is more compact.  This color is subtle and different than all the other bolder colored ones.  I need to mark it so I can collect its seed. 

There are a lot less blooms on the yellow rose but they last ones are sure looking good. The Japanese beetles seem to have left the area for now.  They loved the yellow rose more than any other of my roses. 

We started off cool this morning but have warmed up to a comfortable temperature. It is nice to see the sun today.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I wish I still had tomatoes from our plants.

  2. We have lots of yellow pear tomatoes also...we love them, hope we don't get a frost:)
