Sunday, September 12, 2021

Two Quilts



The quilts were made by my great grandmother Carrie Maxson Brown Driver.  The history of her gets to be complicated.  Her first husband was Charles Brown of Illinois. They had two boys, Leroy Martin and Ira.  Great Grandfather Charles died when my grandfather Leroy was three years old.  Great grandmother Brown then returned to Iowa where her sisters lived, one of them was her twin sister.  She then remarried a man named Thomas Jefferson Driver.  They eventually lived in Lucas, Iowa a coal mining town.  All of my younger years I was told that Grandma Driver made the two quilts and it confused me with the last name not being Brown.  What was more confusing was that my mom was always calling her Grandma Driver when it was her grandma but my great grandma.  Anyway, I have the quilts. 


 So this was also on my Photo a Day blog.  Here is a picture of Great Grandma Driver. It is her second family of five kids and grand kids.  She had two daughters and three sons. The daughters both married and all three of the sons did not marry. Not all of the family is in the photo. I think one son is in the photo and two son-in-laws are pictured.  I don't think I have ever seen a picture of Thomas Jefferson Driver.

I always think of the history of the quilts when I see them on the shelf but most everyone who knew anything about that era is all gone. My mom died in 2008 and this past week the last of her first cousins died from her Wheeler side of the family. Junior died last week and his sister Frieda died in January.  The spouses of those two are still living but that is the last of all her cousins. 

Thanks for stopping by my family history posting today.


  1. I love the quilts.... have always loved the Double Wedding Ring quilt.
    I can understand how you felt confused about your Great Grandma Driver.

  2. Those quilts are beautiful! Splurge on a plain blue or plain red skirt for the day bed and use them! :)
