Thursday, October 21, 2021

A Very Cold Wind.....


 Fall flowers are wonderful. I just hope that we don't get a hard freeze to take them out too early. The color is cool and I did plant them and not the previous owner. 

The change in temps will take out the hostas quickly. They great looking all summer. The drought was hard on them but some of them were pretty much always in the shade and they did just fine. It is very cold here today.  I was out this morning hosing down the bottom parts of my bird cage, a grate and a dropping pan and I really was too cold. The wind chill was bad and I was too lazy to go get a stocking cap to wear. My lawn mowing person did come today to mow through the wet and cold grass. The grass is thin and his trimming job wasn't too difficult to do. 

My new knock out rose was planted recently in the front garden circle.  I mounded it in with lots of new soil and a lot to get it through a hard freeze.  The variety is a new one for me as they called it a mini knock out rose.  It won't grow any taller than eighteen inches, which is perfect for that location. I did mention they were selling them for half off prices. 

The roses are doing so well right now with this fall weather.  I took more photos that I can ever share on my blogs.


As I applied waterseal on the steps I kept getting hooked into the yellow rose.  It has big beautiful blooms. They look better now than ever because the Japanese beetles are now all gone.  One or two bugs are on them but they are not eating major sections out of the flowers.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Great roses! Seems like the cold weather is not bothering them at all. My cardinal creeper is doing awesome, even though the hummingbirds are long gone. I want to gather seeds for next year. Hopefully it will not freeze before the seeds are ready.

  2. I LOVE yellow roses. All your flowers are so pretty...
