Friday, October 8, 2021

 The early morning sun was welcomed after a day of clouds yesterday.  We will be up to 81 degrees F. today. 

The sunflowers still have good color but overall they are getting to look rough.  I don't know if I will be able to get seed from here as the migrating birds are hitting it pretty hard.  I may have to go out a cut off a couple of heads inside and let them dry out away from the birds.

A blurred shot of some larger tomatoes that I have on the vine.  We don't have a frost warning at this point of time so we may get to eat them. 

I like my patio of squares that I put in the past two years. It has some areas that need to be tweaked with the raising of some of them to build them up more.  All in all it really cleaned up after a couple of our rains and it has great color.  My memories of putting that down are bad ones as I was working towards my health breakdown.  I could feel my bad gual bladder during most of it and couldn't only install four at a time per day.  That is all over with now and I keep building back up again.

It is Friday and I don't have too many things planned.  I did partially mess with a future project.  It is a problem project as I will have to figure out how to do it as I go.

 The vanity was created with a cheap veneer top and I have tried to get it off of it. I don't know if I will refinish it as is or if I can buy a sheet of thin oak veneer to put on the top. 

The sides were also made from cheep wood with a sheet of veneer on it.  I can replace that easier than I can the top.  Problem solving as I go will get the job done.   I need to strip the wood pieces outside while the weather is so good.  I haven't done paint stripping for a long time but I am sure I can get back into the pace of it.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. What a nice shady place to sit! Good luck with your newest old furniture piece!

  2. That looks like a very pleasant patio to sit on.
