Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sat Stuff.....

 As frost or freezing happens these will be gone soon. I want to clip off the already dead ones for seed for next year. 

I did sstart to clear some of the zinnias as I needed better access to the glads that I needed to dig.  I could cut back on these on daily times and get rid of them by Friday. It is suppose to warm up next week so I can get it done without a wearing a winter coat. 

Digging of this batch of glads went pretty easily.  I will get the greens cut off of them today and let them dry off a little more. The standing water on my deck did turn to ice last night so we were probably at 32 degrees F. 

The utilities lines are being marked in the neighbor hood so one can see arrows and lines everywhere.  I had to have this done before I planted my red bud tree a couple of seasons ago. 

We will warm up to the low 50s today.  We just need to wear coats now when we want to go out.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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