Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday Afternoon.....

 The fall weather is perfect for the morning glory plant to put out blooms.  No heat to speed up their decline during the day. 

We have been getting rains during the night that I have not awakened for and you can see the water has been collected in my basin and dipper.  The basin came from an old farmhouse in southern Iowa.  It was left in the houee that my grandmother had been living.. She didn't have running water so this basin sat in a dry sink where it was used to wash dishes and the dirty water would be dumped outside on the grass.  She left that house in 1961 and I returned to visit the house eight or more years later finding it still in the kitchen.  The floors of the house were starting to rot out so walking around was difficult.  The house was eventually burned down. 

Things are reblooming in Iowa right now.  Lilacs are having a second set of blooms and this hibiscus is revived from the rains w have had with us still being in a drought. 

The last of our harvest is small.  They still taste good and I just keep pickings.  Some of my blogger friends have already cleared their plants but mine still are producting. 

The noise is loud but the helicopter is in a distance. We are having a lot more traffic in the sky these days. I guess the change their traffic routes in the sky so we can see passenger jets more often, leaving late at night or very early morning. 

It has been a quiet Sunday.  Cool breezes make it to be nice outside.  Our dish is fixed and we are a lot happier.  The dish was suppose to be pointing south and now it really does as the guy corrected its position.  The shingle guy didn't have a clue what he was doing when he put it back up. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love that shot of the morning glories. Our one hibiscus has bloomed all summer. The other one is starting to bloom again after a long spell of not looming much at all.

  2. Love those morning glories and the enamel bowl and dipper are great oldies. Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  3. The morning glory is so pretty! So glad you have TV again!
