Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday without the Sun....

 Dahlia power in my back yard is shown in this one bloom. The lighting was perfect to get a perfect focus. 

Off the deck the sun is shining again in a new location on the horizon.  Soon the earth will tilt enough that the sun will be showing with a glow only behind my neighbor's rooftops. 

The trimming back of the stems did pay off as I did get more blooms. This will be the last of the color for this season with a scant few buds still blooming into the frost season. 

My special seeds that I bought did give me some interesting colored blooms. I would like to collect seed and will need to tag some of them to know which ones that I want to save. 

It is a gray day today with mild temperatures. We went to church today for the first time in many months. We were watching it on line but today one our our pastors, a close friend, was leaving the church for a new job.  We wanted to be there to see him on his last day of employment of our church.  We worked with him in his Asian Ministry for over twenty years.  The covid shut that all down and that ministry is now finished in our church.  Most all of previous generations of kids have now graduated from high school.

Thanks for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. So nice that you could go to church to say goodbye to your friend, I bet he appreciated it!
