Friday, November 26, 2021


 I was out grilling in the dark a couple of nights ago. The tree lights were on and I spotted the little boy down below in his sliding glass door windows,  looking up at the tree.  He looked up at it for a long time and then he tried to close the curtains.  Seeing him looking made me happy to know that the tree is appreciated.

A good way to store a wreath is to place it on your tree stand.  I am ready to bring it up to the front door.

 I forgot to buy apples.  The bowl looks really empty.  I could put tomatoes into it but I think that it isn't a tomato bowl.

Thinking about putting some outside lights around the area where the deer were placed at the front of the house.  I had to find the boxes of lights and I think I did find the right ones.  I see why some people just buy new ones each year as the wads of lights seem overwhelming.  The wreathes can go up at scattered times and not necessarily all at once.  I asked my wife as to how we got our decorations up last year as it was in November before Christmas that I had my surgery.  I guess the exercise up and down the stairs was helpful for my healing.  I do remember that we scaled back some last year with one less tree but I will try to get it all up this year.   It is cold again today but we are going to be up to 47 degrees F. sometime today.  I have not plans to go anywhere.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Nice idea to put a decorated tree outside.

  2. It made me smile that a kid was looking at your tree.
    That is neat!
    I've become an expert at detangling stuff over the years. I think it is part of a tradition almost, right?
