Saturday, November 6, 2021

Saturday's Stuff....


It is trouble for all the smaller birds in the area.  The kestrel seems to fly in large areas and once in a while he lands in our backyard.  I suppose that the new feed has brought in all the sparrows so it saw they were available birds to eat. 



We saw it fly into the blue spruce and I am sure it got what it wanted to eat. The sparrow looks like he is watching but that is just my imagination working.



I am not too impressed with what I created yesterday. It was a good idea but the rough wood probably means that I will take it out and use it to store clay flower posts next to the garden bench. 

I worked in the yard this morning cutting off the five peony bushes s in the front.  The wind blue a plastic bag down the street and into my back yard yesterday and I used that to stuff all the stems and leaves of the five plants.  The sack was an empty mulch sack so it seemed fitting to put garden waste in it and it was free. I wore myself out with the garden work so I am resting for the rest of the day.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. The shelving unit looks like it is functional, perhaps a different wood stain could help? Hopefully the kestral is not looking around for a meal in your yard, Larry.

  2. Wow a Kestrel, poor songbirds:( I like your shelf but I would put it outside or in the garage!
