Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tuesday's Things.....Cold and Clouds.

 Cloudy and cold at the same time.  I don't know if the cold is causing the clouds to look like this.

It is a pretty blue sky above the clouds as they do float by.  The look is deceiving as it was a hard freeze last night and it is not warming up much today.

The hard freeze left the zinnias in bad shape. I now can finish clearing them off that garden spot. I want to collect some more seed before I do that.

I will spare you words about the table today but it is done.  I have discovered some historic facts that are written on the bottom of the table and I will share that with photos on another day. 

The finish does dry to a duller shine but it was wet when I took this shot. There ability to use lathes back then to make the legs would be interesting to research.  I am sure there was belt driven equipment used to complete the job. 

I drained my three garden hoses this afternoon and coiled them up to be hung in the garage.  I almost forgot to do that but then didn't seem to get damaged from the 25 degree F. temperatures last night.  It was cold out there when I did the job so I am glad to be back inside. 

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. Cold here too, winter is coming, We had a white ground this morning but it all melted! I still have one hose outside...not hooked up:)
