Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 The tomatoes are ripening inside.  I found all the markers from the plants and am going to try an match which ones were our best.  Right now it is completely confusing.  I do thing I know which ones were the steak tomatoes and I don't think I will plant them again.  My tags all fell off of the posts so I couldn't check the identity after they leafed out. 

 Some roses are tolerant of the colder weather with strong winds but some are just gone. This one looks like an old fashion rose when it really isn't.

The knock out roses are somewhat protected but they are blooming a lot less.  We have not had a severe hard freeze and I am glad for that. 

I don't know what to do with the Siberian iris.  It is hard to cut them back and I am waiting to see if any of it dies back. It is a nice foliage for winter scenes so I am just going to leave it for now.


We have had strange things happening with recent rains causing reblooming of lilacs and flowering trees.  What you see here is the blooming of the creeping phlox.  I was surprised to see it. The flowering crab apples at the grocery store parking lot was unusual to see too. 


Spending time inside today working on reorganizing  my workshop area.  Finding things to throw away is easy and putting all the garden stuff all in the same area is too simple.  I did move a scrap wood pile to a better location as I was walking around it. Sprinkles right now but we are promised rain.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Still have roses? hat killing frost a few weeks ago really did a number on plants around here.. Except the catnip. Catnip is still green and flourishing. Love the rose. Strong and hearty and always beautiful. Our tomatoes are ripening up in the kitchen as well. I can't eat them fast enough. and y now, everyone else is "tomatoed out."

  2. Nice looking tomatoes! I will guess Better Boy on the left and Big Boy on the right! :) Both look good1
