Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve....


Indent ornaments were the rage in my childhood.  We had maybe six of them when I was a kid and one was always being broken each season and eventually there were none.  

 A photo of the past of the old unfinished chest of drawers supporting the glass jars. It is last years photo at Christmas time.  Having the chest now refinished and glued back together, it now proudly holds a smaller Christmas tree on top of it and the chest is a main piece of furniture in our house.

 Inages of many things can remind us of Christmas.  As we ready things for company we find the Christmas plates and buy foods that usually you only buy at this time.  Cookies and rice crispie treats for the grnad kids and pies for the adults.  My eating of sugar is so limited but I can work around some of the things that are out there. Good times with family, sparkling ornaments, and gifts are all a part of it.  The most important is to remember that Christ child who gave us all the greatest of gifts.  I wish you all a Merry Christmas season.


  1. I love those indent ornaments, I have a few left:) Happy Christmas to you, Della and your family:)

  2. Beautiful sentiments Larry, and thank you for sharing your stunning pictures with us all year long.
    Wishing you both the merriest of Christmases and a Blessed New Year.

  3. I loved those indent ornaments, my MIL had several and I had never seen them before that I can recall.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas! I could certainly use a piece of pie right about now... yum!
