Friday, December 3, 2021

It's Friday...


Yep, you are going to be so tired of seeing my Christmas things for at least the next 20 days. I needed to cover up the wood block that I have my tree attached to so the toys do the job.


 Two trains of different times in history.  An elephant from my kids toy train of 45 years ago.  The shine on my chest of drawers in awsome. 

It was called Mother-in-Law tongue when I was a kid.  I seem to be keeping it alive unlike the palm that I bought at about the same time as the sansevieria. The palm was sent to the basement window with three fourths of it cut back.  

Red and green oxalis are good friends on the top of the flower stand.  The corner window is fuller of plants right now as a tree had to be set up in the other living room window. 

We are colder today but we do have sunshine.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I like seeing your Christmas things!!:) They always make me smile!

  2. You have some great Christmas decorations!
