Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve......


The snowmen have already started to celebrate the New Year's Eve. I like how they hang out with the red cardinals and have such friendly smiles. They have been away in a drawer for eleven months.  I ran across them in a drawer and realized I could put them out for Christmas.


Things do glow under the tree as the last days of Christmas wind down. The decorations stay up for a long time at our house as we do one tree at a time and drag it all out for a couple of weeks.



Our snow on the ground was slight but it did not go away.  It in fact turned into ice.  More snow is on the way but 4 degrees F. is to be happening in the morning.

I have had this decoration for a lot of years but just this year dug it out since we moved here at the new place.

Six different figures come with the drum and hey play tunes with their bells. The batteries keep falling out and I need to fix it with some duct tape. One Santa and five band members play joyful bell Christmas songs. 

It has been a rough year with us loosing so many people. It has been a good year as I have recouped from a lot of health problems.  I am looking forward to the next year with optimism as I keep healing from the past.  I am stronger and can do so many more things than I did a year and a half ago.  I don't set so many goals as much as I want to hit the road each day with a positive attitude.  Thanks for stopping by my spot today and have a great New Year.



  1. Happy New Year and I hope each day helps you feel stronger!
    I love your Santa marching band!
