Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Afternoon....


As I dig through the toys that we moved to the new place I find some pretty historic toys.  The oldest son is 46 years old so you can date the airplane. Fisher-Price is the name of the game.



The cars of time are looking more like a mini-junk yard. Some were in the sandpile so they are pretty worn and weathered.  As I pull out toys for the grand kids that are going to visit I won't bring this one out.  I don't think that they need to be spread all over the floors. 

So many things to do before Christmas but we will pace ourselves. Maybe some list making and shopping each day for a while to get it all done.  Our kids in Maine have their presents in the mail.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh that box of old toys would be great for the grand-kids!

  2. I had a bunch of cars like that as a kid too! Hot Wheels, I think.
    My boys had cars also, when we lived in the suburbs they used to push them down the driveway and crash them.

    Fond memories of those cars. Not so fond memories of finding them in my boots when I let the dogs out!

    Pace yourself and enjoy this time.
