Friday, January 7, 2022

Friday's Finds

 I call it a flat line sunrise.  It is too cold for the sun to rise. I didn't see the subtle clouds in the sky until I took the photo. 

We had a sunny day that caused melting for a time period leaving deck drifts that looked like this.  We have been too cold now for any of that to happen.  We are going to warm up in the night. 

My Charlie Brown tree was brought inside.  It isn't suppose to look so good in daylight but at night it is full of lights.  The winds have tossed it off the steps several times and finally I just gave up and brought it in. The few ornaments that are on it are wired to the tree so it can blow hard as it wants and they don't ome off. The top ornament does usually hang down instead of sticking out like that. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I feel sorry for the poor tree...and poor you having to stand it up over and over.

  2. I think that Charlie Brown Tree is kind of cute, but it sure took a likin' this winter.

    The sun was so nice yesterday our mules laid out in the snow out of the wind and slept.

    I am always amazed at the power of the sunlight to melt snow!

  3. We may be warmer today at least above 10 F :)
