Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Year with Day 1........

 We didn't get the heavy snow.  We did get very cold.  It is 8 degrees F. right now and that will be our high for today.  Negative temperatures will be all night again. My snow removal company came last night in the late evening to clear the drive and sidewalks.  We got a dusting of snow on top of that but that is manageable. 

The ducks needed to put on their scarves for this kind of weather.  I found these in a drawer of the chest of drawers in the downstairs nook.  The are salt and pepper shakers.  They must have been my parents' as I don't remember any history about them. 


A toy jet didn't get played with while the grandchildren were here.  I guess it isn't Star Wars themed enough. It belonged to our oldest son who is 46 years old now. 

A lost artwork by me showed up in a video at my oldest brother's house in Mesa.  The were sharing a grandson playing on the piano.  He was well accomplished and the painting hung above the piano.  I asked my brother about it asking who painted it. He told me that I painted it.  He told me that I had painted over a students wasted canvas with a bad unfinished painting. I painted it over with white and I put this on the canvas.  I had forgotten the story and the longer I look at the painting I remember it. I have painted better paintings than this and could tell all about what is wrong with it but I won't.  The buildings must have been copied out of a Yankee magazine with all the buildings being connected together.  If I ever became famous they could x-ray it and see what is under the painting.  

Here is some evidence that I have improved in 32 years.  Thanks for stopping by today. Happy New Year.


  1. I do like the simplicity of your earlier painting, fun to see both your pieces of artwork:)
