Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Tuesday's Tales.....

 The line up is sitting still.  I am trying to keep my camera still when I take the shot.  I am posting blurry photos sometimes as I am having blurry vision so I don't know.  But most days I need to slow down and work on getting the focus. I have resolved to take better photos.

A project is in progress.  I am having to adapt everything to fit my kind of wood and my size of wood.  I have a lot of boards that I salvaged out of the old house.  There were shelving units that I tore out of the one room and the boards were fourteen inches wide.  My project calls for a little bit wider wood on a couple of pieces so I am changing and figuring alternate sizes to make it work.  I have most of the major pieces now cut but there are a couple of front and back pieces that are gong to require special cutting.  It is a different kind of plan as ever idea in the book is based on a box shape and then decorations are applied on to that. 

It is a candle that I was gifted years ago. Everything is made of wax.  I never burned the candle, which is the tree, as that would ruin the decoration. There is one more deer on the other side. 

Headed to the pharmacy today and to pick up groceries to get us through the extreme cold weather that is coming.  Winter has arrived and we are experiencing highs and lows in temps and the snow stays on the ground.  I  guess we have finally had winter move in.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you had something to set the camera on so it would help?
    It would be a pain to use a tripod.

    The critters are really neat!

    Are you building a bird house?
