Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tuesday's Things...

 This is a permanent ice and snow sculpture on the deck.  We are never going to warm up again for weeks so this is it. 

A happy duck sits on the table where I am working downstairs. I enjoy the work on this duck even though it isn't realistic. 

The roof is on now.  It almost fit but required some modifications to cover up one gap between the roof and white gable. One roof piece was a little warped and the white gable probably wasn't aligned strait with the one on the opposite end. I was ready to go cut another piece and start over but I did figure out to fill the crack with glue and sawdust.

Decorative strips of red have been applied on both sides.  I had to learn how to put them on the side without splitting the wood.  I also had to look high and low to find some small nails to use.  I found some out in the very cold garage in a far top shelf.  

It is cold everywhere.  We got up this morning with it being -6 F. and we are sitting at 6 degrees F. right now at noontime.  Our high today will be 8 degrees F. by this afternoon and then it starts to drop again.  There is nt getting use to this cold.  I will walk out to get the mail this afternoon and that is the extent of my venturing out.  

Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Those are some pretty fancy bird houses. good thing you have something to work on while it is so cold outside.

  2. You will warm up sooner or later! The bird house looks good!

  3. It was cold! I'm waiting on zero today to make the walk up to the mailbox to pick up meds for hubby.
    I like that duck, it looks happy!
