Monday, February 14, 2022


 My wife gave me a pop up card today.  It is from the Disney movie "Up" where the house was lifted by balloons to travel all over the country.  It is a wonderful card with the background being the sky with clouds, stray balloons and hearts  My wife also baked me a cake for today using a sugar free cake mix.  I have had two small slices of it already today. 

We warmed up to 30 degrees F. today.  I dumped fresh seed out there today as there was a cardinal checking out the feeder.  The cardinal never came back but the sparrows and house finches are enjoying the seed.

The house finch is the only bird with red on it out there now.  I like how they fly in at numbers of three to five at a time and then leave for the sparrows to take a turn. 

We inherited the former owner's birdhouse that sits on the top of a ten foot pole.  I figured out how to unscrew it from the pole and got it down while standing on the top of the step ladder.  It is made of redwood and it was heavier than I though when I lifted it off the pole.  I didn't drop me or the house but it was a little shaky for the moment it was freed from the socket.  I have plans to change it completely with new coats of paint and decorations of course.  I dumped out years of nest material from it this morning and it was a mess.  

Taking my wife out for a meal at a Mexican place tonight.  It will be good to get out with the weather being a little bit warmer.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I wonder why we get shakier on ladders when we get older? Which, might have been with what you were doing when younger. But I have to get the step ladder to change the bathroom light....I used to just stand with one foot on the edge of bathtub and one on the stool lid. Cannot do that now. Almost could not do it with the inside step ladder. Was glad the bath was small till I could lean against the wall.
