Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday's Stuff....

 Saturday morning view shows the one jet left a trail earlier.  The sun is up and it has been partly sunny most of the day. 

A small rose in a pot is too tempting not to purchase when we are having such cold temperatures outside. 

The fourth creative birdhouse is almost done.  None of it is attached together. The roof is having some touch ups in paint under the eaves.  The base is not connected to the house yet either.  I guess when everything dries on the roof I will put it all together.  My wife says it looks like a trophy with the base being a lot smaller. 

The back end view is different than the front.  I didn't put a second hole in this one opposite the main entrance.  

Thanks for stopping by today.  We are actually 42 degrees F. right now. We are having a heat wave.


  1. We were cold and blowing snow all day! It was above zero so that is an improvement!:)

  2. Really creative birdhouse!

    Our temps are mild today ~ Sunday!

  3. Are you going to put all the birdhouses up around your home? Whatever you do with them, I like them.

  4. You certainly are having quite a run on birdhouse creation, Larry, and this one is very unusual. Do you enough places in your yard for all?
