Saturday, March 12, 2022

Box of Surprises....

 A box of different things that comes from Israel. The contents are mostly from artist, tea makers and potters from the Golan.  It is in the far north east corner of Israel where the different people who sell their items. You many know of the Golan Heights where they area gets bombarded by Syria and Lebannon at various times.  The land was reclaimed back in 1967 when the Jewish soldiers won the war from the invasion of four or five countries.  The land is now walled off and communities have been built there. We were at the foot of the area when we visited there a few years ago.  We were at Cesarea Phillippi, a historic biblical site right on the edge of Golan.

An oil lamp and container resemble the biblical story about being prepared.  If you are buring your lamp you should always have reserved oil in another container in order to keep  you light burning. When I was a kid, I had friends that went to Sunday School, and they sang the song "Put oil in my lamp and keep it burning, burning. Put oil in my lamp I pray." We will be getting boxes like this every three months, helping out the artists of Israel and all the other businesses who sell creative things. 

Other things in the box included spices, a wooden puzzle game, white chocolates, tea, and a metal free-standing decoration.  I will share more about these things later but the metal ornament is done by using the enameling process.  Powder enamel is placed on metal and then heated in a kiln. 

A random shot of what things look like around our house. The walls are full and some things just have to be leaned back behind a chair waiting for me to find a place to hang it.  Maybe I could hang it in my shop. 

I water treated my latest birdhouse with sealer today.  I am waiting for my new camera to arrive today so that I can take photos of it.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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