Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday's Mentions.....


 A fun piece that was in our box from Israel was this fun thing. Yair Emmanuel is the artist who creates these enamel ware sculptures. The process is done by painting on enamels, dry and liquid,  onto metal and then the piece is heated in a kiln. The artist lives and creates in Jerusalem on 6 Yad Harutzim Street. 

Having just swept up my sawdust mess in the shop I too had a creative spurt again. I picked up a single triangular piece, leftover wood,  and decided to let it just happen.  I am not done but the A frame house is totally inspired from that triangular scrap piece. 

I was playing with my new camera trying to figure things out.  I wanted to capture the red twig even if the sun was only shining on half of it. I also turned an took a successful shot of the day moon. I do like the new camera. 

My wife is good at searching products on the net.  I had a Nikkon cool pix.  She found the one that is recommended to take its place.  It has a few more bells and whistles and so far seems easy to use.  I turned to take a photo of the moon and the camera took over with the process and beeped at me to tell me when it was in focus.  I don't like to recommend things as someone or many people may differ with my opinion. So to answer the questions of what I now have, this is it.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a lovely piece of art, that colorful creation is. I'm excited to see your finished A-frame, you are talented to make lovely birdhouses out of scraps of wood. Your new camera looks like lots of fun, awesome day-moon shot.
    Thank you for sharing, have a good week Larry.

  2. I like that fun piece you brought back from Israel.

  3. That is a great moon shot. And I so love the fun piece from Jerusalem.

  4. I hope you will love your new camera...forgot to say that.

  5. Nice camera! That art is so beautiful.

  6. Nice camera! The metal piece is very cheerful!
