Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Squawk of the Blue Jay......


 He sat at the top of the tree and made calls.  I don't know if they were territorial calls or he was calling for a mate.  It is an unusual view of the belly of the bird.  He flew away rather than turn for me to get a look at his blue feathers. 

The birds like to sit on the top of this tree before flying down to the feeder. The sparrow stayed there for quite a while before taking flight. 

I am anxious to see if I killed this shrub.  It had a lot of dead areas so I trimmed it back.  It is a burning bush.  We are getting rain today and that should help it. 

I was surprised to see all the leaves collected on my flower beds along the southeast of the house. Most of the leaves have come from trees that I don't own.  The blow through town many times with strong winds the fly all up and down the block.

The moon is now waning.  We are having a rainy day.  We need a lot of rain but we are just getting drizzle.  It will do drizzle though for most of the day.  That should get the grass growing though.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Your burning bush should be okay, I should do that to mine too:) If you are getting rain you will have green grass to mow soon:)

  2. I don't know enough about blue jays to add anything. I think my grandmother told me they call when looking for a mate and when building a nest, but are silent when nesting and raising their young.
    I don't know if that is true or not.

    We needed the rain here, so I guess I won't complain too much.
