Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday's Things....

 I noticed today that the starlings really have a pretty landing procedure.  They really soar and glide into a location, almost like free falling.  I have had the one suet cake out there for two months and no bird has even tried to eat it. After buying the peanut butter one on the left I have had lots of starlings fighting for a turn at that cake.  The one bird now on the right got tired of waiting and finally started eating on it.

Yes there is an elephant in the room that we don't talk about much.  He is displaced over in the corner as I was needing the top of the counter for other things.  I just shifted him down there.  He is from Eswantini, Africa.  It was a gift from two of our missionary friends.  If I can get the iPhone to work I can maybe give you a better view of his applied decorations.  Maybe.....tomorrow. He has flowers made from mirrors on him. 

I was challenged on facebook to post some artwork of mine for 10 different days.  This one was an oldie and I found myself digging my pastels out to rework it. I was cleaning it up composition-wise.  It is a totally different, better artwork of the North Shore on Lake Superior than before.  It has been in a folder probably 20 years now.  We moved it down here and I probably never finished it up after our trip along the shore.  I have a couple of others I could do that with also. 

I rearranged some art works today on our two gallery walls.  I had moved some things and created new spaces.  I had about five smaller pieces that were in storage in the closet, placed there when we moved here almost five years ago.  Anyway,  I had to do hammering for the first time since I smashed my thumb two weeks ago.  It was dangerous and I did nick that thumb again on the other side. Not serious but gave me a jolt.  I did get it done without bleeding and getting out the bandages. 

We are suppose to have some snow tonight. We are cold again and will stay that way for a while.  Its March in Iowa.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your artwork is amazing!

    I can probably draw a stick figure or two, but nothing like this!

    Very cool little elephant.
    Hopefully Sunday's weather will bring you some warmth. I think next week could be much nicer.

  2. I hear we will have spring next week, I won't hold my breath!

  3. I love your art work...specially that first you reworked. And would love to see better pics of the others.
