Saturday, April 2, 2022

Springy Stuff.......


 The moisture from the snow and a small rainfall has brought up the crocus and mini-daffodils. Our spring is late this year as these flowers are at least a week or so late.

My pussy willow tree did have these on them when I went to look at the tree.  I could see at a distance that they were there as the snow and ice was collecting on them.  I bought some new iris and the one is going to be grown in a pot this summer.  The info sheet that came with the iris suggested that I could grow them in pots and do not take them inside for the winter.

My old classmate Bernard from school tells everyone that Larry always has a project going on someplace, somehow.  The photo shows the making of a shelf from oak.  My wife's old art easel that she used for thirty years has been retired for a better one.  The oak wood in the easel is being rccycled into shelves of all sorts of sizes.  The wood is in great shape but I do have to sand off all the paint splatters done by the artist. 

We went out for pancakes this morning and picked up some meds for me. Have a great day today. 

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