Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day, Monday....

 It is a hot day with gusts of wind periodically. The grass is still green from good rains and the day seems to be a quiet one with things slowed down for the Memorial Day.

The "knock out" roses are starting to bloom that grow in front next to where the flag is hung. I trimmed them back with so many dead stems but it has come back looking as healthy as ever.

Two out of three of the roses are more simply petaled than this one in the middle.  They are an ideal rose for surviving our winters.  They are planted around town at businesses and you see them often times when we are out.

The iris given to me by Sally is blooming now. I forgot I had it and thought it was a black iris when I saw its bud form. Sally was not a close friend but I remember she loved her dogs and makes lots of decorated cakes to enter in the State Fair cooking contests. 


One buys iris, plants it, and then wait for the second season to see its first bloom.  It am patient and this is a wonderful flower.  I would call it Batik but I will look it up and share the real name later.

We are for supper out so I will just stop the blog right now.  Thanks for checking in for now.


  1. I have an iris that is darker than your dark one, then I have one that I did not take a pic of that is about like your dark one. I have no idea where I got it. I like that bottom one, too.

  2. Oh my that last one is a beauty. WE had heavy rain today. All is well at our house lots of storms:(
